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SC, ST& Minority Cell

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The demographic structure of the region is reflected in the student population of the college. Since the college is located in a backward area , majority of the students taking admission in the College are from disadvantaged backgrounds . They include students form tribal communities , OBCs etc. The SC& ST and the minority Cells of the College take keen interest in uplifting students both educationally and socially. Besides devising such special programs as remedial coaching and mentoring for the slow learners from among such communities as S.C, S.T and O.B.Cs, assistance is provided to OBC and SC&ST students by way of scholarships and free ships at the initiative of the cell. They are also given coaching classes for taking competitive exams.

Aims and Objectives

• To implement the reservation policy of the government as regards SC/ ST and OBC in the College.
• To provide guidance and counselling in the academic, financial, social and
other matters.
*To ensure equality of educational opportunities for all
* To bring the disadvantaged groups to the mainstream

Members of the Cell

Dr. Abdul Rasheed PC
Mujeeb Rahman P


Dr. Abdul Rasheed PC Assistant Professor- Commerce
Mujeeb Rahman P Assistant Professor- Arabic